The General Evaluator evaluates everything that takes place during the club meeting. In addition, the General Evaluator conducts the evaluation portion of the meeting and is responsible for the evaluation team: the speech evaluators and the TAG Team (Ah Counter, Tip of the Day and Timer).
General Overview
As General Evaluator, you:
- Ensure other evaluators know their tasks and responsibilities.
- Identify and confirm meeting assignments with the TAG Team.
- Confirm the club meeting program and/or checklist with the Toastmaster.
- During the meeting, take notes and report on all club proceedings to evaluate things such as timeliness, enthusiasm, preparation, organization, performance of duties, etc.
Taking on this role improves critical thinking, organization, time management, motivational and team-building skills.
GE evaluates:
- The overall conduct of the meeting. The main objective is to improve on the member and guest club meeting experience in the future.
- All those with roles who are not evaluated by other evaluators (which is the speakers and table topic speakers). Depending on the individual meeting agenda, these typically include: Greeter, Toastmaster of the Day, Sergeant-At-Arms, Timekeeper, Tip of the Day, Ah-Counter, Table Topics Evaluator and Speech Evaluators.
Your job is to evaluate many roles in a relative brief amount of time. Therefore you must make concise comments and stick to the General Evaluator timing as set by the agenda.
The role of the General Evaluator is the most important role for quality control and development of club meetings. Treat the GE role with utmost respect.
Meeting Duties
Before Meeting
- Check with the Toastmaster to confirm the program for the meeting and any planned changes to the usual meeting format.
- Communicate with all speech evaluators to confirm whom they will be evaluating and the evaluation format needed for that member. Encourage them to prepare for their roles by contacting the speakers in advance to discuss any special evaluation requirements. When you communicate with evaluators, emphasize the importance of positive, supportive, and honest evaluations. Their goal as evaluators is to help fellow members develop their skills.
- Communicate with remaining members of the evaluation team to remind them of their assignments.