The Table Topics Evaluator evaluates the Table Topics speakers. The table Topics Evaluator does NOT evaluate the Table Topics Master. That is done by the General Evaluator.

What are Table Topics ?

Table Topics® is a long-standing Toastmasters tradition intended to help members develop their ability to organize their thoughts quickly and respond to an impromptu question or topic.


Meeting Duties

  1. Prior to the Meeting
    1. Become familiar with what Table Topics are and what to expect from the Table Topics Speakers. Refer to What are Table Topics ? and Table Topics Resources sections of this article.
  2. During the Meeting

You have to evaluate a number of speakers with little time to prepare. Make sure to distribute the time evenly for all the evaluated speakers (often, the very last speaker being evaluated is cut short). Because of the timing constrains, the key to a successful evaluation is not to provide a thorough evaluation of each speaker but to pick out 2 things the speaker did well and 1 point for improvement. Include some examples in your evaluation. Be respectful and focus on skills and accomplishments rather than personal attributes.

Evaluation Tips

  1. Evaluating Speeches Tips
    1. Refer to Prepared Speech Evaluator, sections: Observation Notes and Evaluation Tips.
  2. Table Topic Specifics Tips
    1. Points for Evaluation:

Table Topics Resources

Below are tips for becoming a successful table topics speaker. This can help you, as an evaluator, to know what to look for in Table Topic Speakers.