As the Toastmaster of the Day, you play a pivotal role in guiding the club through the entire meeting. Your position is central, offering you a unique opportunity to take your management and leadership skills to the next level. As the primary manager of the meeting, you set the tone and ensure its smooth progression.
Gather information about the speakers, including their Pathways programs, project numbers, speech objectives, and titles. You can find it in EasySpeak.
Ask Speakers (and members with other roles if you want to) questions, that will help you introduce them. It can be questions related to the theme of the meeting, or information about them, such as hobbies, goals etc. to include in your speech introductions. Such detailed introductions are optional and depend on your introduction preferences.*
Select a Meeting Theme (not a must, but a strong preference). This can be entered in EasySpeak, so that the agenda contains it (officers can help you with this).
Follow up with the Sergeant at Arms to ensure they will print the agendas and prepare digital voting/feedback slips.
If not all roles are filled, feel free to post the message with the roles available in the PBT members WhatsApp group.
Make sure there is a reservation for pub afterhours - reach out to an officer if not sure.